Shameless webcam pics of my new do. |
Last week, I cut and permed my hair and I'm still getting used to it. I'm actually pretty surprised by myself with this decision, mostly because I'm the worlds most indecisive person EVER. I'm serious. It takes me a good 10 minutes in the jam isle just to decide what jam I want or that I really don't want any at all. Put me in the cereal isle and its game over. I'll be there all night, it's a process. Anyway, I was thinking for a while that I wanted to change my hair No more braids, no more fro. So after 4 years of being natural, I got it cut and permed. (Nothing to it, but to do it.) And I love it. Everyday its growing on me, literary.
I'm not going write about how being natural was liberating or about feeling unliberated going back to the relaxed route. Honestly I didn't and don't feel any of those things. There's so much attachment and scrutiny over hair, over women's bodies in general, especially among black women. Debates on what is good hair and what's "right" for hair make it seem as though a woman's crop is either a lottery to the world's good graces or some type of spiritual journey. The reality is..really is...that its just hair; dead cells growing from the top of your head. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't need to be glorified or criticized Just loved. Right? I l try to love my hair all the time. Whether its natural, braided or relaxed. That doesn't always mean I like it. But I love it, because it's mine no matter what it looks like. I'm getting used to seeing my self with this new do. But everyday, I'm liking it more and more. I'm not waiting for anyone's thumbs up or green light of approval. It's mine, and its growing on me, so that's enough.