Thursday, February 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday

 My brothers looking surprisingly cool; me looking unsurprisingly like a hot mess.

This was one of the first things I saw when I came home last weekend. Not much to say except I've never seen my brother look so cool. Look at him being all smug with his shades and aviator jacket...too much to handle. Clearly this stage of his life lasted all five seconds it took to take the picture! Kidding, he's still cool to me. 

Being home has definitely been an adjustment. There are so many memories of my young life in this house, games we used to play, old furniture we would climb on and eventually tear to pieces, neighborhood friends. Now coming back, those things have changed. Neighbors have moved away and things look a little different in our house. But the memories are still there. Its weird being the growing up version of yourself in the house you grew up in. It's kind of like wearing you favorite pajamas from when you were a kid. You know, the thermal ones. Except now with the sleeves coming up about 6 inches too short and the pants looking like you stole them from Steve Urkel. (Not like I've been re-wearing my childhood pajamas or anything.) Despite my terrible pajama analogy, the fact of the matter is the fit might no longer be the same but the comfort and the memories - they still are. And while I am adjusting to life at home, I must say that there's something great about being in the comfort of this old home, aaand the full on access I have to all my brothers' shockingly embarrassing pictures! Internet, get ready. Heyoo!


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